Under the Companies Amendment Act 2014 there is now a requirement for all directors to provide their place of birth and date of birth AND in addition, there must be at least one director that either lives in New Zealand; or lives in Australia and is a director of a company incorporated in Australia:
All accounts or amounts owing to you at balance date should be scheduled. Exclude bad debts. To enable bad debts to be excluded from income, these must be written off prior to balance date.
All accounts or amounts owing by you at balance date should be scheduled indicating name of creditor, amount and what the debt is for. Alternatively, mark on cheque butts or highlight in cash book those items in the month following your balance date, which should be included. Holiday pay or bonuses paid within 63 days of your balance date may be included.
*Incl cash sales prior to balance date but not banked until after balance date
Stock should be physically counted at balance date and adequate records retained to substantiate the dollar value arrived at.
Please note that if you estimate your stock to be less than $ 10,000 at the end of your income year, you may have the option of not physically counting your stock. In these circumstances we will assume that your closing stock is the same as your opening stock. Please indicate if you would like to use this option. (Please note that if your annual turnover is more than $ 1.3million, you are not able to use this option)
Prepayments Made – Balance of any payments made before balance date for goods or services not received or used by balance date.
Attach details of assets purchased or sold during the year such as motor vehicles, plant and equipment and properties. Where applicable please provide the following details:
There are a number of invoices that we specifically require. Please ensure the records you provide us with include all paid accounts for:
If it was purchased with 5 years of the sale date,
The proportion of motor vehicle business use as established by your vehicle log book(s) is/are:
• Please note that a detailed and accurate log book must be completed for a three month period every three years or vehicle expense claims will be limited to a maximum of 25% of expenses incurred.
If part of your home is set aside principally for use as an office/workshop/storage area, please provide the following details.
If yes, please complete the following section so we can determine the amount of allowable deductions.
If there is more than one tenant who used the property through the year, please provide details.
Expenses incurred in respect of the property (the list below is not exhaustive – details of all expenses will be required):
If yes, please complete the following section so we can determine the amount of allowable deductions.
For non-associated persons where payment received is at least 80% of market value: